COVID-19 is forcing everyone to stay home and made it simpler for you to cook more meals. If you’re not confident in how to cook, you’re gradually becoming sarma recept kulinarika more comfortable. It is important to ensure that your food choices are healthy. We can assist you in avoiding the bad habits of cooking that make your health a risk.

1. You’re not washing your hands.

Before touching food It is vital to clean your hands.

In a prior article, In a previous article, Dr. Lynette Charity (a board-certified MD and anesthesiologist) stated that hand washing is essential to stop the transmission of harmful germs which can cause illness. A regular soap works great. Charity stated that 20 seconds of rub your hands ensures that germs are flushed away.

2. Fresh produce isn’t washed.

Wash your fresh vegetables and fruits thoroughly prior to cooking for cooking or eating. This is particularly important for vegetables that are raw and don’t heat. However, you will need to clean everything prior to handling.

3. You’re not using different cutting boards.

Cross-contamination is something you want to beware of. It is essential to stay clear of any illness. This is also true for how you prepare your food. Make sure you are safe when working with meat that is raw. What exactly does this mean? It’s easy: don’t employ the same knife and cutting board for your chicken breasts as well as fresh vegetables. When you’re finished giving everything a thorough cleaning.

4. You are still washing the chicken.

This is an occasion when you should take extra care when handling raw food. However, this doesn’t apply to chicken. According to USDA Chicken washed in the sink may be a carrier of foodborne illnesses. This bacteria can travel up to three feet from the location where it was rinsed.

5. You don’t store food properly and consume leftovers.

You want to properly store leftovers. If there’s a pandemic, it’s not an option to store your food in the refrigerator. Food items cooked are not to be left on the counter for longer than two hours to prevent bacteria growth. The food should be kept in the refrigerator for three to four days before you consume it.

6. Salt is being added to the food chain too often.

Salt doesn’t always have to be included in every meal. In the end, you’re probably used to eating salty dishes from restaurants. However, if you are cooking at home, you should reduce the amount of salt. A study that was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology discovered that the average American adult consumes 3,730 mg of sodium a day, which is far more than FDA’s recommended limit of 2,300 milligrams.

7. Everything can be fried.

Food that is fried can be simple and fast to make any kind of food. And, let’s face the fact: Fried food is comfort food. While it’s fine to indulge every once in a while however, you should not make this a daily routine. Instead, you can roast or air fry.